The event, launched by the European Commission in 2006, provides a platform for representatives of public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers to examine issues of energy efficiency, decarbonisation and innovation across Europe.
Knauf Insulation’s representatives contributed to key debates throughout the week.
Sustainable finance for innovation — changing paradigm
Speaking at a policy debate on Sustainable finance for innovation and energy efficiency, Barry Lynham, Managing Director of Knauf Energy Solutions, said delivering real energy efficiency performance was critical to unlocking future funding.
“If you can achieve real savings and demonstrate those savings with data that is beyond doubt then you instantly create a paradigm shift that enables more money for future energy efficiency measures to be accessed,” he explained.
Tackling climate change and water management issues with urban green infrastructure
Speaking at a high-level panel discussion, Every drop counts – the water-energy nexus and its relevance across EU policies, Jure Šumi, Business Development Director Green Solutions at Knauf Insulation, showed how urban green infrastructure, such as green roofs and walls can contribute to Europe’s long-term decarbonisation objectives and solve city storm and waste water management issues.
“Green urban infrastructure reduces the amount of storm-water released into waste-water systems, saves energy and absorbs CO2 emissions. Policy makers need to be more ambitious when it comes to encouraging wide-spread urban green infrastructure solutions,” said Jure.
Comprehensive public building renovation through Energy Performance Contracting
Meanwhile, Katarzyna Wardal, our EU Public Affairs Manager, focused on the important role that Energy Performance Contracts must play in boosting public building renovation.
Speaking during the expert discussion on EPCs: Delivering real energy savings from EU to local level, Katarzyna explained that Energy Performance Contracting was a clear opportunity to renovate public buildings without putting pressure on public budgets.
“Policy framework needs to support this tool by making it work for comprehensive renovations,” said Katarzyna.
The events were co-organised by The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE), of which Knauf Insulation is a founding member since 2010.